Sault Ste Marie Area Public Schools, A Great Place to Learn


  • Sault Area High School


  • Contact information

    906.635.3839 ext. 5814


Course or Grade

  • Biology


Communication Plan

  • The best way to contact me is through email.

Delivery Plan

  • Biology- Google Classroom:  I will be posting assignments, notes, and other communications throught this platform.  Google classroom links up with a online biology book we are using.

    PE1- google classroom CODE ujq2mad  Please sign into the classroom and follow directions for assignments.

    Weight Lifting -  google classroom CODE szhuari Please sign into the classroom and follow directions for assignments.

Plan for Submitting Work and Feedback

  • Students will submit work through google classroom and I will provide feedback on the complete work.

Additional Supports and Extra Help

  • For students not having internet/computer the school will provide a book/packet.

    Contact me for any other accommodations so we can make a plan.

Last Modified on August 26, 2024