INSTRUCTOR:  Mr. Armstrong



    Physical Education I is a course that all students must successfully complete to meet graduation requirements.  This course consists of a variety of outdoor/indoor skills and fitness activities.



    Students must put forth a good effort, respect others, follow directions and take care of the equipment.  There is a large focus on skill development and drills.  Participation is mandatory therefore students must be here on time and prepared.



    Attendance and participation are mandatory.  Students are responsible for material covered when they are absent.  They must report to the instructor upon return to class and materials will be given to them.




    A point system will be used to determine each student’s grade for each nine-week marking period.


    Class participation-   10 pts/day  = approximately 450 points

    Skill tests-   10-50 points per test


    Participation – not dressing for class constitutes the loss of 30 points (approx. ½ letter grade).  Points will also be deducted when a student chooses not to follow class rules or directions. 

    Written and Skills Test – Written and Skills Tests can be given at the end of each unit of instruction.



    A note from a DOCTOR is required to be excused from any activity.  Students will be given full credit for excused no dresses.  Other situations will be addressed on an individual basis and missing activities may be required to be made up before or after school.



    Students who choose not to dress and participate may be required to do some form of physical activities.  Students will not be allowed to bring other class work into the P.E. class.  Student athletes will dress and participate in all classes.



    Students will lose points towards their grade for being late.  Students may be given alternative assignments.





    Students will be given five minutes prior to the beginning of class to dress.  Ten minutes will be given at the end of class to shower and change (15 minutes when swimming). Students may not leave the activity area without permission.  They must not leave the gym prior to the bell.  If waiting for the bell to ring, students must not wait in the halls (gym or locker rooms only).  Students who choose to leave the gym will be given a warning.  Repeated offensives may result in school suspension as per district policy.



    GYM:  Gym shoes (non-marking soles as designated as indoor shoes)Shoes must be tied so they do not fall off, T-shirt or sweatshirt, shorts or sweats.  No sagging gym shorts (given a no dress for that day or an alternative assignment.)




    Lockers are to be used during the P.E. hour only.  It is strongly recommended that students buy a combination lock and use it daily.  The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. Locks that are left on lockers overnight may be removed.  All clothing and personal belongings must be stored in a locker during the class period.  Belongings left on the floors and benches will be placed in the lost and found.  The floor in the locker room must be kept clean.




    No running, sliding, or horseplay. Absolutely no glass items in the shower or locker rooms.  Showers must be turned off when not in use.  The locker room floor will be kept clean.



    Report all injuries or medical conditions to the instructor immediately and the appropriate action will be taken.




    Have a GREAT semester!

Last Modified on August 26, 2024