
    U.S. History – Syllabus – 2015-2016

    Teacher: Mr. Allan Anderson

    Contact information:                     Room#: 220                        Telephone: 635-3839 ext. 5870

                                                                    Email: allana@eupschools.org

    Text: Appleby, Brinkley, Broussard, McPherson & Ritchie, The American Vision, 3rd Edition, Columbus, OH. Glencoe, 2010.

    I only have a classroom set of books for the students to use. There is an online version of the text that students can access outside of the classroom if they need further time for classwork or study. If a student needs a book at home per a 504 plan or an I.E.P., arrangements will be made to provide a book.

    Online book site: sault.eup.k12.mi.us/Page/712                               Access Code: AD604B5418

    Course Description: Students will review early U.S. History they learned in 8th grade and then continue on from the post-Civil War years through the present.

    Evaluation/Assessment: The standard grading scale goes as follows:

    100% - 90% - A         89% - 80% - B         79% - 70% - C         69% - 60% - D        59% - 0% - E

    Behavior, attitude, attendance, classroom behavior, missing assignments, the ability to get along with others… etc. will all factor into the student’s overall grade.

    Reading/Note Taking: I strongly suggest that students both read and take good notes on their reading. I recommend students have a one subject notebook just for this class. Students will be allowed to use their own hand written notes on all tests and regular quizzes. Students may not use computer printed notes or other student’s hand written notes.

    Missing Work: A homework chart is on the bulletin board and filled out as assignments are given. Students are expected to complete their homework on time. Not having a book to take home furthers the importance of class time being used to the student’s utmost advantage. Late work, except in extreme circumstances, will not be accepted.

    Parents – If Illuminate shows a blank box for an assignment it means I have not entered the grade for that assignment. If a “zero” appears it means I have entered the grade and your child did not turn the assignment in.

    Tardy Policy: Students are expected to attend class regularly and to be on time.  Students who are regularly late will have a tardy referral sent to the office and Saturday School hours will be assigned.

    Cheating: Cheating or plagiarizing on any assignment will result in an automatic zero.  AT NO TIME IS AN ELECTRONIC DEVICE ALLOWED TO BE USED ON ANY TEST OR QUIZ.


Last Modified on August 26, 2024