• Weekly Lesson Plans

    Week 1 - 9/5-9/8

    9/5 - Introductions/Syllabus/Chromebook Distribution

    9/6- Seating Chart/Begin Auto-Biography Assignment (Due9/11)

    9/7- Log into Google Classroom/ Continue Auto-Biography Assignment

    9/8- Read "In Another Country" Short story and answer questions.

    Week 2 -9/11-9/15

    9/11 - Auto-Biography Assignment Due/Vocabulary Week 1 (Vocab Due Wednesday)

    9/12 - Story of the Times Unit 1 and Worksheet (Due Wednesday)

    9/13 - Read "The Earth on Turtle's Back" and "The Navajo Origin Legend"

    9/14 - Read "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano" and Questions.

    9/15- Read "Of Plymouth Plantation" and answer questions.  Reading and questions on Google Classroom.

    Week 3 - 9/18-9/22

    9/18 - Vocabulary Week 2 (Due Wednesday)

    9/19 - Picture Day

    9/20 - ELA MAP Testing

    9/21 - "Puritan Laws and Character" Reading and Questions

    9/22 - "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" Reading and Questions

    Week 4 - 9/25-9/29

    9/25 - Vocabulary Week 3 (Due Wednesday)

    9/26 - "Witchcraft in Salem" Reading

    9/27 - Read article on McCarthyism

    9/28 - Read Background on Arthur Miller/Background for Understanding/Pages 1089-1092 Act 1

    9/28 - Crucible Pages 1092-1093

    Week 5 - 10/2-10/6

    10/2 - Vocabulary Week 4 (Due Wednesday)





    Week 6 10/9-10/13

    10/9 - No School

    10/10 - Vocbulary 5

    10/11 - Read Act 1 of the Crucible

    10/12 - Read Act 1 of The Crucible

    10/13 - Read "Minister's Black Veil"

    Week 7 - 10/16-10/20

    10/16 - Finish reading "Minister's Black Veil" and worksheet

    10/17 - Vocabulary 6

    10/18 - Watch Act I of the Crucible, Act 1 Quiz

    10/19 - Review Act 1 Quiz Questions, Literary Terms 

    10/20- Begin reading Act 2 of "The Crucible"

    Week 8 - 10/23-10/27

    10/23 - Vocabulary 7

    10/24 - Act 2 of the Crucible

    10/25 - Reading Packet on AI

    10/26- Reading Packet on AI

    10/27- Watch Act 2

    Week 9 - 10/30-11/3

    10/30 - Vocabulary Week 8

    10/31 - Act 3 of The Crucible - pages 1132-1136

    11/1 - Act 3 of The Crucible - pages 1136-1141

    11/2 - Finish Act 3 of The Crucible - pages 1142-1151

    11/3 - Watch Act 3 of The Crucible - Make-up time for Quarter 1

    Week 10 - 11/6-11/10

    11/6 - Vocablary Week 9

    11/7 -Read Act 4

    11/8 - Finish Act 4/Watch Movie of Act 4

    11/9 - No Class.  Half Day Conferences.

    11/10 - Crucible Crossword/Review

    Week 11 - 11/13-11/17

    11/13 - Vocab 10/Crucible Review

    11/14 - Test on The Crucible

    11/15 - Story of the Times pages 120-125 and worksheet

    11/16 - Finish Story of the Times and Ben Franklin Biography

    11/17- Read "The Autobiography" on pages 131-135 and worksheet

    Week 12 - 11/20-11/22

    11/20 - Vocab 11

    11/21 - Poor Richard's Almanac + Questions\

    11/22 - No class.  Half Day

    Week 13 - 11/27 -11/30

    11/27 - Vocab 12

    11/28 - Story Of the Times Unit 3 and worksheet

    11/29 - Begin reading "The Devil and Tom Walker" and work on questions.

    11/30 - Finish reading "The Devil and Tom Walker."  Finish Questions.

    12/1 -  Progress reports/make up time.

    Week 14 - 12/4-12/8

    12/4 - Vocab 13/Time for any makeup work.

    12/5 - Articles

    12/6 - Longfellow Poems

    12/7 - Watch "Legend of Sleepy Hollow"

    12/8 - Begin reading "Fall of the House of Usher"


    Week 15 - 12/11 - 12/15 

    12/11 - Continue "Fall of the House of Usher"

    12/12 - Vocabulary 14

    12/13 - 

    12/14 -

    12/15 - 

    Week 16 - 12/18 - 12/20

    12/18 - Vocab 15

    12/19 - Vocab 15/ Make Up/ Missing Work time

    12/20 - Movie/Make Up work time

    Week 17 1/2 - 1/5

    1/2 - Vocab 16

    1/3 - Dickinson Poems

    1/4 - MAP testing

    1/5 - MAP testing

    Week 18 1/8 - 1/12

    1/8 - Vocab 17

    1/9 - Moby-Dick Reading

    1/10 - Crossword Extra Credit

    1/11 - Moby -Dick Reading

    1/12 - Moby- Dick Reading

    Week 19 1/15-1/19

    1/15 - Study Guide for Exam

    1/16 - Study Guide for Exam

    1/17 - 2/3 Exams - Half Day

    1/18 - 4/5 Exams - Half Day

    1/19 - 6/7 Exams - Half Day

    Week 20 1/22-1/26

    1/22 - No School for Students - Teacher PD Day

    1/23 - Story of the Times - Unit 4 

    1/24 - Story of the Times - Unit 4 

    1/25 - "An Episode of War" + Questions

    1/26 - "An Episode of War" + Questions

    Week 21 1/29 - 2/2

    1/29 - "An Occurrence at Owl Creek" + Questions

    1/30 - "An Occurrence at Owl Creek" + Short Video

    1/31 - "To Build a Fire" + Questions

    2/1 -"To Build a Fire" + Questions

    2/2 -"To Build a Fire" + Questions

    Week 22 2/5 - 2/9

    2/5 - Finish Questions for "To Build a Fire"

    2/6 - Read "The Open Boat"

    2/7 - Finish "The Open Boat"

    2/8 - Mark Twain "Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"

    2/9 - Mark Twain "Jumping Frog of Calaveras County"

    Week 23 2/12-2/16

    2/12 - Adventures of Huck Finn Movie

    2/13 - Adventures of Huck Finn Movie

    2/14 - Adventures of Huck Finn Movie

    2/15 - Shortened hour due to Pep Assembly.  No work.

    2/16 - No School - Winter Break Day

    Week 24 2/19-2/23 

    2/19 - No School For Students.  Professional Development Day

    2/20 - "The Story of an Hour" + Questions

    2/21 -  "Desiree's Baby" + Questions

    2/22 - "Outcasts of Poker Flats" + Questions

    2/23 - "Outcasts of Poker Flats" + Questions

    Week 25 

    2/26 - Review Realism/Naturalism Unit

    2/27 - Quiz on Realism/Naturalism

    2/28 - Snow Day

    2/29 - Snow Day

    3/1 - Story of the Times Unit 5

    Week 26 

    3/4 - "Winter Dreams" and questions

    3/5 - Conferences 

    3/6 - Scheduling

    3/7 - "Winter Dreams" and Questions

    3/8 - Make up Day

    Week 27 - 3/11-3/15

    3/11 - FItzgerald Author Bio Video and Worksheet

    3/12 - Begin Ch. 1 of The Great Gatsby

    3/13 - Ch. 1 Questions and Quiz

    3/14 - Counselor/Scheduling/Begin Character information sheets

    3/15 - Common Lit Articles

    Week 28 - 3/18-3/22

    3/18 - Begin Ch. 2 Great Gatsby

    3/19 - Continue Ch. 2 

    3/20 - Character sheets and questions

    3/21 - Start Ch. 3 

    3/22 - Roaring Twenties movie

    Week 29 - 4/2-4/5

    4/2 - Resume Ch. 3 Materials

    4/3 - 

    4/4 -

    4/5 -

    Week 30 - 4/8-4/12

    4/8 - Chapter 4 of The Great Gatsby and Questions

    4/9 - Chapter 5 of The Great Gatsby and Questions

    4/10 - Chapter 5 of The Great Gatsby and Questions

    4/11 - Half Day due to Testing - No Class

    4/12 - Common Lit Article - "Keeping up with the Joneses"

    Week 31 - 4/15-4/19

    4/15 -Chapter 6 of The Great Gatsby and Questions

    4/16 -Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby and Questions

    4/17 -Chapter 7 of The Great Gatsby and Questions

    4/18 -Chapter 8 of The Great Gatsby and Questions

    4/19 -Chapter 9 of The Great Gatsby and Questions

    Week 32 - 4/22-4/26

    4/22- Review - Great Gatsby

    4/23- Review - Great Gatsby

    4/24- Make-up for any chapter questions for GG



    Week 33 - 4/29-5/3

    4/29 - Great Gatsby Test

    4/30 - Autho Bio - John Steinbeck/ Intro to Of Mice and Men

    5/1- Autho Bio - John Steinbeck

    5/2- Common Lit Article - Great Depression/Dust Bowl

    5/3-  Common Lit Article - FDR and the New Deal

    Week 34 - 5/6-5/10

    5/6 - Review Introductory materials for novel.

    5/7 - Read Chapter 1 of OMAM and Questions

    5/8 - Read Chapter 2 of OMAM and Questions

    5/9 - Read Chapter 3 of OMAM and Questions

    5/10 - Finalize any readings for the week/make-up for anyone absent

    Week 35


    5/14 - 

    5/15 - Chapter 4 OMAM

    5/16 - Chapter 5 OMAM +Worksheet

    5/17 - Chapter 6 OMAM + Worksheet

    Week 36

    5/20 - MAP Testing

    5/21 - MAP Testing

    5/22 - OMAM Movie

    5/23 - OMAM Movie

    5/24 - OMAM Review

    Week 37

    5/28 - OMAM Test

    5/29 - Semester Exam Study guide

    5/30 - Semester Exam Study guide


    Week of 6/3-6/4

    6/3 - 4th/5th hour exams

    6/4 - 6th/7th hour exams (Last Day of School)