STEAM - Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math
  • STEAM is a hands-on or project-based approach to learning, to develop critical thinkers and to advance understanding with meaningful and engaging activities. Developing skills in STEAM curriculum areas is important for all students academically, and later, in their careers.

    • S - Science - The study of the physical and natural world
    • T - Technology - The products and processes created from practical application of knowledge
    • E - Engineering - The method to finding solutions through practical application of knowledge
    • A - Arts - The creative principles used to integrate form with function and spark innovation
    • M - Math - The study of numbers, shapes, space, and relationships using symbols and reasoning

    The Engineering Design Process

    • Ask - What are the problems? What are the limits? What have others done?
    • Imagine - Brainstorm solutions and choose the best one.
    • Plan - Draw a diagram and gather materials.
    • Create - Follow the plan. Build a prototype. Test the solution.
    • Improve - Discuss what works and what doesn’t. Modify the design to make it better. Retest.
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Last Modified on August 1, 2024