7th Grade Science

Please check Google classroom for absent work. 

Lesson Plans

  • Week 8 Quarter 4 Agenda:  

    Monday 5/27- No School 

    Tuesday 5/28: Today we worked on the study guide to prepare for Friday's test.  If Absent:  See the teacher for a copy of the study guide. 

    Wednesday 5/29: Today is move up day.  No regular class.

    Thursday 5/30:  Today we will go over the study guide and review for the test.  If Absent:  Study for the test. 

    Friday 5/31: Test today.  If Absent: See the teacher to make up the test. 

    Week 7 Quarter 4 Agenda:  

    REMINDER:  End of unit test will be next Friday 5/31. 

    Monday 5/20- Today we reviewed Friday's notes and did the Google Forms over the notes. After the Google Form we spent the remainder of the class period working on a weather maps activity.  If Absent:  Complete the Google Form using the notes linked below, then see the teacher for the weather maps activity you missed. 

    Tuesday 5/21: Today we went over the weather maps activity and did reflection questions.  After we did a water cycle article with questions.  If Absent:  Complete the reflection questions over yesterday's activity and see the teacher for the water cycle article.  

    Wednesday 5/22: Today we reviewed the water cycle, did notes, and a Google Form over the notes.  After we went over the requirements for the water cycle comic strip assignment.  If Absent:  Get the notes you missed (linked in Google Classroom), complete the Google Form posted for today, and see the teacher for the comic strip requirements. 

    Thursday 5/23:  Today was a work day on the water cycle comic.  If Absent: Work on your water cycle comic strip (rubric is attached in Google Classroom) 

    Friday 5/24: Today was a work day on the water cycle comic and it became homework if not completed in class (Due Tuesday).  If Absent: Finish on your water cycle comic strip using the rubric requirements linked in Google Classrom. 

    Week 6 Quarter 4 Agenda:  

    Monday 5/13- Today we did a worksheet over pressure and angle of light, then went over it.  After we finished the final models on the tornadoes.  If Absent:  You will be exempted from the tornado models but will need to make up the worksheet you missed.  

    Tuesday 5/14: Today we reviewed over pressure and angle of light for tomorrow's quiz, then did the balloon and marble lab (wind).  If Absent: Study for tomorrow's quiz. 

    Wednesday 5/15: Today we did the quiz and then a directed reading on air masses and fronts.  If Absent:  You will need to complete the directed reading you missed (check out a textbook from the teacher) and see the teacher to take the quiz. 

    Thursday 5/16:  Today we watched videos on air masses & fronts then answered questions.  After we did models on pg 33 in the textbook, then did the lab on pages 34-35.  If Absent:  No make up work.  You will be exempted from today's lab. 

    Friday 5/17: Today we watched a video on weather maps, did lab reflection questions over yesterdays labs, did notes over air masses and fronts, and finally did a Google form over the notes.  If Absent: You will need to do the lab reflection questions over yesterdays lab, look over the notes (attached below), and do the Google form posted over the notes. 

    Week 5 Quarter 4 Agenda:  

    Monday 5/6- Today we took the NWEA (MAP) test.  If Absent: See the teacher to make up the test. 

    Tuesday 5/7: Today some finished up the NWEA (MAP) test and we did page 26 in the journal on wind.  We then discussed ideas on page 26.  After the discussion we watched the video "Up Up Away" (linked below) and did the questions on the google form. Finally, we read pages 30-31 in the journal and did a worksheet over the pages.  If Absent:  Complete page 26, watch the video and answer the questions, and read pages 30-31 in the journal. See the teacher if you still need to finish the test. 

    Wednesday 5/8: Today we finished the worksheet that went with page 30-31 in the journal, discussed the answers, and did notes on pressure.  Following the notes we did a practice google form.  If Absent:  Finish the worksheet from yesterday, get the notes you missed (linked below), and do the google form posted for today.  

    Thursday 5/9:  Today we watched videos and read articles on tornados to figure out why tornados form, then we worked on revising the initial models in the journals.  If Absent:  No make up work for today. 

    Friday 5/10: Today we did bell work on high/low pressure then graded it together to go over the work.  Next, we did final group models on tornadoes and shared them with the class.  If Absent:  Get the pressure worksheet you missed from the teacher. 

    Week 4 Quarter 4 Agenda:  

    Monday 4/29- Today we read an article on naming elements and answered questions.  If Absent: No make up work today. 

    Tuesday 4/30: Today we read an article on ocean acidification and answered questions.  If Absent: No make up work today. 

    Wednesday 5/1:  Today we read page 20 and filled in the table on pg 21 in the journal (just the first 6 rows), then we prepared page 22 for tomorrows lab.  If Absent: Complete page 20-21 in the journal. 

    Thursday 5/2:  Today we did the labs on pg 22-25 lab.  If Absent: You will be exempted from the lab. 

    Friday 5/3: Today we finished pg 25, did altitude notes, and completed a google form over the notes.  If Absent:  Go over the notes (linked below) and answer the questions in the google form posted for today.

    Week 3 Quarter 4 Agenda:  

    Monday 4/22- Today we went over weather data and finished the "Climate Time Machine" assignment from Friday.  We went over ideas on page 14, and set up the procedure for the lab on page 14-16.  We are testing the angle of light from a flashlight, observing its influence temperature, then relating the data to the Sun.  If Absent: You will need to finish the "Climate Time Machine" assignment posted in the classwork tab from last Friday. 

    Tuesday 4/23: Today we went over weather data, finished procedures on page 16 and gathered lab data.  When finished we answered the lab reflection questions posted in the classwork tab.  If Absent:  You will be exempted from today's lab. 

    Wednesday 4/24:  Today we went over weather data, did the Angle of Light notes, and did a google form over the notes.   If Absent: Examine the notes below and complete the Google Form. 

    Thursday 4/25: Today we read "Biking up Independence Pass" on page 20 and did page 21 in the journal.   Then we discuss the article as a class and set up for the lab (Monday's lab) on pages 22-23.  If Absent:  Complete pages 20-21 in the journal.

    Friday 4/26: Today we read a climate article and answered the questions.  If Absent: See the teacher for a copy and complete the article and questions. 

    Week 2 Quarter 4 Agenda:  

    Monday 4/15- Today we set up the journals (page 8) for gathering weather data, went over the weather tools (anemometer, hygrometer, barometer, wind vane, and thermometer), and gathered the data.  After gathering data we did notes on weather tools (attached below) and a google form over the notes. If Absent:  Get the data from page 8 that you missed upon returning and use the weather tools notes linked below to complete the google form posted for today.

    Tuesday 4/16: Today we gathered our weather data, discussed patterns, read an article on weather, and watched a bill nye episode on weather.  If Absent: Get the date you missed from a classmate upon returning and you will also need to complete the article on weather.  You will need to see the teacher for a copy. 

    Wednesday 4/17:  Today we gathered our weather data, discussed patterns, and did pages 10-13 in the journal.  If Absent:  Read page 12 in the journal and complete page 13. You will also need to get the weather data you missed upon returning to school. 

    Thursday 4/18: Today we gathered our weather data, discussed the data, and watched a video on the atmosphere.  After the video we did a directed reading on the atmosphere. If Absent:  Watch the video and answer the questions in the google form posted for today.  You will also need to complete the directed reading and get the weather data you missed upon returning to school.  See the teacher for a copy of the directed reading. 

    Friday 4/19:  Today we gathered our weather data, discussed patterns, and went over the Oxygen simulation linked below.  After the oxygen simulation we did the "Climate Time Machine" simulation and answered reflection questions.  If Absent:  Get the weather data you missed upon returning and do the "Climate Time Machine" assignment posted in the classwork tab for today.

    Week 1 Quarter 4 Agenda

    Monday 4/1: Today we watched videos and discussed today's eclipse and how to safely watch the event.  After the eclipse discussion, we watched videos on tornados and completed page 1 in the journal.   If Absent:  Watch the video linked below titled "Tornados 101" and do page 1 in the journal.

     Tuesday 4/2: Today we did page 2 in the journal, worked together to create group models, then shared the models.  If Absent:  Complete page 2 in the journal.

    Wednesday 4/3: Today we created a question board using Jam board, went over it, and went over weather forecasts from today to complete pages 4-5 in the journal.  If Absent:  Look over the Jam board we did today. You will have no other make up work for today.

    Thursday 4/4: Today we looked at the weather forecasts and finished pages 4-5 in the journal.  We set up page 8 for Monday's weather readings and went over the tools.  If Absent:  Look up today's weather forecast and complete pages 4-5 in the journal.  Copy down the set up on page 8 upon returning to school.

    Friday 4/5:  Today we did a directed reading on forecasting the weather.  If Absent:  Complete today's directed reading. You will need to see the teacher for a copy.

Resources & Notes

Google Classroom

