• Mrs. Sweet’s 5th Grade Reading  Rules and Procedures

    Sault Area Middle School 2023-2024

    Coming into the classroom

    1. Enter the classroom quietly after Mrs. Sweet lets you in. Do not enter if the door is closed.
    2. Read the “Supplies” section of the board.
    3. Get ALL materials you will need
    4. Read the daily schedule
    5. Start the Bell Ringer
    6. Sit quietly and read while waiting for class to begin

    How to leave the class at the end of the hour:

    • I will ALWAYS dismiss you
    • Please do not pack up until I tell you to do so
    • HELP each other put supplies away
    • Push in your chair
    • Keep feet, hands, and objects to yourself.
    • Leave the room calmly.

    Going to the bathroom and getting a drink of water:

    • No bathroom passes while I am teaching or talking
    • Use passing time (5 minutes) to go to the bathroom and get a drink of water
    • MUST use SMARTPASS to sign in and out

    What areas are OFF LIMITS in the classroom?

    • This classroom is OUR classroom, but there are areas that are off limits to students:
      • DO NOT go behind my desk
      • DO NOT go into my office
      • DO NOT go over to the window or behind the table
      • DO NOT touch the fish tank
      • DO NOT borrow or use any of my supplies without permission.
      • DO NOT put your feet/shoes on any of the furniture (desks, chairs, tables)

    What if you are late for school?

    • You need to go to the office and get a past before coming to class.
    • Give me the pass, collect your supplies, and go to your seat.

    What if you are absent from school?

    • If you know ahead of time that you will be absent, get a prearranged absent sheet from the office for your parents to fill out
    • See Mrs. Sweet if you have been absent or know you will be.




    Late Work Policy:

    All assignments are due on the assigned due date. If a student needs more time on an assignment, let me know. All late work will be given full credit.

    Late work, it will be a 0 in the gradebook until it is turned in. This is for a student to realize an assignment is missing. It is up to the student to turn in any missing work before the quarter ends.

    Classroom materials:

    • Folders never leave the classroom unless you have permission. They always go back in the bins at the end of the hour.
    • Helpful student pass out folders. Do not throw them. Set them nicely on desks.
    • Required Materials:
      • Pencils – you need to bring a pencil to class every day, no exceptions
      • Highlighter
      • Headphones – keep in locker. I will let you know when you need them.
      • Independent reading book – we will read every day                                    *I have extra supplies for anyone that needs them. 

    Classroom Library

    Checking Out Books: I have spent a lot of time and money on my classroom library. I want you to read, but you must follow the expectations for checking books in and out.

    How do I turn in assignments?

    • All assignments will be turned into the bins on the counter.
    • Google Classroom assignments and essays will be turned in on Google Classroom.

    Are electronics allowed in class?

    No, you cannot bring any electronic devices from home. This includes phones, tablets, gaming devices, smart watches, and airpods. 

    You will have a class Chromebook assigned to you. You must take care of it by:

    • Do not let anyone else use your computer. Do not let anyone use yours.
    • Treat it gently.
    • Always put your Chromebook back in its spot in the cart and plug it in.
    • Do not write on the number tag or any other part of the Chromebook
    • If there is something wrong with your Chromebook, tell Mrs. Sweet.






    Bell Ringer

    Teacher Talking


    Test or Quiz

    Work Time


    Should I be talking?





    0 or 1

    How to get Help

    Raise hand

    Raise hand

    Ask group members


    Raise hand

    What Activity should I be working on?

    Complete what is on the board

    Listening to teacher

    Working with your group

    Eyes on your own work

    Working on your assignment

    How can I Move around the room?

    Be in seat 

    No leaving seat while teacher is talking

    Stay within your group

    No leaving seat while taking a test or quiz

    You may leave your seat to sharpen pencils, throw things away

    How does Mrs. Sweet know I’m Participating?

    You should be working on Bell Ringer

    You should be listening to the teacher and following along

    You should be working with your group

    You should be working on your own test or quiz

    You should be working to complete your assignment


    Failure to follow the expectations (CHAMPS) will result in the following consequences:

    1st offense – Verbal warning

    2nd offense – student/teacher conference and parent notified

    3rd offense – Referral to office




    My parents and I have read Mrs. Sweet’s Classroom Rules and Procedures.

    We agree to follow these expectations throughout the school year.


    Student’s Name: _________________________________________________________________________________


    Parent’s Name(s): ________________________________________________________________________________


    Parent’s Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________

    Parent’s Best Contact Information: ___________________________________________________________________

Last Modified on August 19, 2024